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Oscar-Winning Flashdance Singer Irene Caras Cause of Death Revealed:  Report Fame [VHS] : Eddie Barth, Irene Cara, Lee Curreri, Laura Dean,  Antonia Franceschi, Boyd Gaines, Albert Hague, Tresa Hughes, Steve Inwood,  Paul McCrane, Anne Meara, Joanna Merlin, Michael Seresin, Alan Parker,

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Steve Pafford Fame: The Original Movie : Eddie Barth, Irene Cara, Alan  Parker, Lee Curreri: Movies & TV

Flashdance and Fame singer Irene Cara dies aged 63 as tributes pour in -  Daily Star

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High on Fashion Fame [VHS] : Eddie Barth, Irene Cara, Lee Curreri, Laura Dean,  Antonia Franceschi, Boyd Gaines, Albert Hague, Tresa Hughes, Steve Inwood,  Paul McCrane, Anne Meara, Joanna Merlin, Michael Seresin, Alan Parker,

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